Cat Cardiology - Everything You Need to Know About Heart Disease in Cats

What are some heart problems cats can encounter?

Cats can face a variety of heart problems, including arrhythmias, heart murmurs, and enlarged heart muscles. They might have murmurs where a valve is affected, congenital heart defects, or a progressive genetic condition like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Certain breeds like sphynxes, Maine coons, or ragdolls are more prone to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a disease where the heart muscle thickens and the heart's chambers get smaller.

Dr. Meghan Denney
4 Paws at Fulshear Veterinary Clinic

How do heart issues impact the health and well-being of a cat?

Heart issues can cause a cat to be more tired, increase the risk of a heart attack or vascular event, and lead to side effects like rapid breathing or exercise intolerance. These factors can, in turn, affect the cat's lifespan.

What preventive measures do veterinarians recommend to help avoid cat heart issues?

Veterinarians recommend providing a balanced diet and knowing your cat's breed. For purebred Sphynx, Maine Coon, or Ragdoll cats, testing for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is essential. Regular visits to the vet for physical exams and socializing cats to their carriers can also be beneficial.

I understand that taking cats to the vet can be a stressful experience for both the owner and the pet. The sound of your cat crying during the drive can be distressing. I recommend watching my video on kitten socialization, where I discuss how to acclimatize cats to their carriers. This is crucial because the stress of a vet visit often begins at home, starting with the challenge of getting your cat into the carrier. It's a common scenario where as soon as the carrier comes out, the cat disappears.

It's important to regularly bring cats to the vet for annual check-ups. This helps in tracking any potential health issues. During these visits, we listen for heart murmurs and arrhythmias, which are critical to detect early on. Socializing your cat to their carrier and making the vet visit as stress-free as possible plays a significant role in ensuring they receive consistent and necessary medical care.

What are some signs and symptoms of cat heart issues and what problems can they cause?

Symptoms of cat heart issues include coughing, labored breathing, purple tongues, rapid breathing, fainting, and loss of function and blood flow to the hind limbs. These symptoms can lead to severe conditions like saddle thrombus.

Why is it important to avoid self-diagnosing heart problems in your cat?

As a pet owner, it's important to recognize that, unless you're a veterinarian, you may not be fully aware of the intricacies of various feline diseases, their symptoms, and the side effects to look out for. This holds true even for individuals with medical backgrounds in human healthcare, such as MDs or nurse practitioners. While some medical principles might overlap, cats are not small humans; they have unique health needs and are susceptible to different diseases.

For those in non-medical professions, like engineering, understanding the complexities of treating feline heart disease or recognizing its signs and symptoms can be particularly challenging. This underscores the importance of regular veterinary check-ups for your cat. Annual visits give us the opportunity to detect and potentially intervene in health issues early on, which can be crucial in preventing the progression of disease and maintaining your cat's health. It's all about catching these issues before they escalate, ensuring the best possible care for your beloved pet.

How will a veterinarian diagnose heart issues in my cat?

A physical exam is typically the starting point in assessing a cat's heart health, much like a doctor listening to a human's heart. During this exam, I listen for the two heartbeats, the 'lub-dub,' and check for any signs of arrhythmia or murmurs. This is particularly crucial for high-risk breeds like Maine Coons, Sphynxes, or Ragdolls. For these cats, I often recommend chest X-rays and sending out for cardiac enzyme tests, such as a pro-BNP, even before considering anesthesia, due to their predisposition to heart issues.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a common heart disease in cats, often referred to as the silent killer because its presence can sometimes go undetected during routine exams. It might not be audible through a stethoscope, and sometimes it's only identifiable through X-rays or a cardiac echocardiogram, which uses ultrasound technology to visualize and measure the heart's chambers.

In HCM, the heart muscle thickens abnormally. However, instead of expanding outward, the thickening occurs inward, reducing the size of the heart's chambers. This shrinkage limits the heart's ability to pump blood effectively, posing a significant risk, including sudden death. Early detection and monitoring are key in managing this condition and mitigating risks for affected cats.

What is a veterinary cardiology workup?

A veterinary cardiology workup generally includes blood pressure checks, chest x-rays with a radiology readout, cardiac echo, and a blood test called a proBNP. A baseline lab panel to ensure that other organs are healthy may also be part of the workup.

What are some possible treatments or procedures for a cat with heart issues?

The initial steps in diagnosing heart disease in cats typically involve chest X-rays, a cardiac echocardiogram, and sending off for cardiac enzyme tests. These diagnostic tools help us determine the type and severity of heart disease. Based on these findings, the treatment plan can vary significantly.

Treatment options depend on the specific heart condition diagnosed. This may include oral medications or transdermal (through the skin) treatments to manage the disease. In some cases, if the heart condition is complex or advanced, it might be necessary to delve deeper. This could involve referring the cat to a veterinary cardiologist, a specialist in animal heart diseases, for further evaluation and treatment.

The approach to treatment is tailored to each individual cat, considering the specific heart disease diagnosed and the cat's overall health. It's important to understand that heart disease management in cats is often about controlling symptoms and slowing disease progression rather than curing the condition. Therefore, regular monitoring and follow-up with a veterinarian or a specialist are crucial aspects of care for a cat with heart disease.

Why is early detection and diagnosis so important for a cat with heart problems?

Early detection can prevent owners from being caught off guard when their cat suddenly falls ill. Regular vet visits can help catch diseases early, sometimes even a year before they would have otherwise been detected. This preventative approach can prolong a cat's quality of life and help them spend more time with their owners.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (281) 801-1444, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Cat Cardiology - FAQ

Dr. Meghan Denney
4 Paws at Fulshear Veterinary Clinic

What do I need to look for as the first sign of a heart issue in my cat?

That's a challenging question because sometimes cats can show no symptoms until things have seriously progressed. However, the signs to look for are rapid breathing, exercise intolerance, and coughing. Unfortunately, sometimes cats display no symptoms until it's too late. If your cat is hiding more or seems lethargic, these could be early signs that you need to bring them in for a check-up.

Do I need a board-certified cardiologist to diagnose heart issues in my cat?

Regarding the diagnosis and management of heart disease in cats, the situation can be both straightforward and complex. Diagnosing heart disease is feasible with appropriate diagnostic tools. For instance, chest X-rays, cardiac echocardiography, blood pressure measurements, and screenings for cardiac enzymes are effective methods. Additionally, a physical examination can be insightful, especially if a murmur or arrhythmia is detected.

However, there are situations where specialized expertise is required. This is particularly true for cases involving young cats with rapidly progressing disease or cats not responding to standard treatments. In such scenarios, consultation with a board-certified veterinary cardiologist is beneficial. Referring to a specialist is always an option and should be discussed when heart disease is diagnosed. This referral process is an integral part of managing heart disease in cats, ensuring they receive the most comprehensive and effective care possible.

How do I know if my cat has any heart issues?

Your veterinarian should inform you during a physical exam. However, you can also look for symptoms such as hiding, lethargy, decreased appetite, rapid breathing, coughing, or collapse.

How are heart murmurs in cats diagnosed?

With a stethoscope. In fact, I have a cardiac stethoscope; I admit, I'm a bit extravagant when it comes to my stethoscope. I prefer the high-power ones because they allow me to detect murmurs. Part of my physical exam involves listening to the heart and lungs for murmurs or any changes. It's challenging with cats, as they can have silent heart diseases. For breeds genetically predisposed to heart disease, such as Sphynx, Ragdoll, or Maine Coon cats, I often recommend yearly cardiac enzyme tests along with their annual lab work.

What does an echocardiogram show that an X-ray doesn't?

There are two distinct diagnostic modalities used for heart examination. Firstly, X-rays provide a clear view of the heart's size and structure. In the case of cats with advanced hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, an X-ray can reveal an enlarged heart, sometimes resembling the shape of a heart as depicted on a Valentine's Day heart. This occurs because the heart wall thickens, a change that can be observed in X-ray images.

Secondly, a cardiac echocardiogram, or echo, employs ultrasound technology. This method involves placing an ultrasound probe on the chest. It's a non-invasive procedure that allows for detailed measurement of the heart's chambers and valves, assessment of blood flow, thickness of the heart walls, and the heart's contractility. It can also detect the presence of blood clots. Both methods provide valuable, but different, insights into cardiac health.

What is the prognosis of my cat if they are diagnosed with a heart issue?

The prognosis depends on the type of heart defect. Some cats may not have very long, while others can live for 10 to 12 years. With hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, they can live for years. It's hard to give a definitive timeline as each case is unique.

Which heart conditions are considered treatable in cats and which are not?

Some congenital heart diseases can be treated through surgery, and certain murmurs can be managed with medication. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy unfortunately cannot be reversed or stopped, only managed. Remember, heart diseases can be managed, but not cured.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (281) 801-1444, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram