Puppy Care - What You Need To Know About Caring for a Puppy

How will proper puppy care impact the life of my dog?

Proper puppy care is like starting a baby off on the right foot. We want to make sure that the puppies are at a good weight, they're getting enough nutrients, they're getting socialized and training. All of these things will set them up for success in the long run.

Dr. Meghan Denney
4 Paws at Fulshear Veterinary Clinic

Why is it important to start good puppy care on day one?

It's important to start good puppy care on day one because it's a habit. If we start off on the right foot, the chances are that we're going to stay on that path and we're going to have a pet that lives a long and healthy life.

How soon should I bring my puppy in to see a veterinarian for their first exam?

I recommend bringing new puppies in for their first exam within about 72 hours of them being brought into the home. This is because if they're going to get sick from something, it's usually within the first week, and we'll already have them established if something does happen.

What are the most common health problems in puppies?

Puppies can suffer from various health problems such as eye infections, ear infections, skin infections, upper respiratory tract infections, tummy upset, or even accidents such as tripping and falling or getting stepped on by someone in the household. There are many things that can happen to our puppies.

What are some signs and symptoms of illness in a puppy?

Signs of illness in puppies include lack of energy, loss of appetite, vomiting or diarrhea, runny red eyes, excessive drooling, scratching or shaking their head and flapping their ears (indicating an ear infection), rashes on the belly, and limping.

What are the signs of a healthy thriving puppy?

Healthy puppies are bouncy, vivacious, curious, and eager to interact with people and objects. They eat and drink regularly, have normal bowel movements, and show no signs of discomfort or distress.

When should I start training my puppy?

You can start training your puppy from day one. However, remember that puppies' attention spans are short, so training sessions should be brief and focused.

What will my vet be looking for when first examining my puppy?

During a routine veterinary exam for your pet, we conduct thorough checks of various aspects of their health, similar to a pediatrician's exam for a child. This includes examining their eyes, ears, and teeth. For certain breeds, like bully breeds or brachycephalic (smooshed face) dogs, it's common to encounter underbites or overbites, which we note during the exam.

We also listen carefully to their hearts. Puppies, for instance, can have innocent heart murmurs that may resolve as their hearts grow and mature. However, some murmurs might indicate more serious issues, like congenital heart defects. It's crucial to document any such findings in their medical charts for ongoing monitoring.

Additionally, we check their skin, belly, and genital areas to ensure cleanliness and look out for any signs of concern, such as matting or infection. A stool sample is often collected to check for intestinal parasites. This comprehensive exam is aimed at establishing a good baseline of your pet's health, ensuring we can provide the best care and advice for their specific needs and conditions.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (281) 801-1444, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Puppy Care - FAQ

Dr. Meghan Denney
4 Paws at Fulshear Veterinary Clinic

What is the most important thing to know about raising a puppy?

The most important thing to know about raising a puppy is that it is a lifetime commitment. These are not accessories to your life, these are members of the family. Thus, it requires a lot of responsibility. If you are at a point in your life to take care of another living being, then that's the right choice for you. However, if your life is in flux and you have no support system to help, I wouldn't recommend getting a puppy at this exact moment.

What should I consider before adopting or buying a puppy?

Before adopting or buying a puppy, consider your lifestyle, your living situation, and your budget. Factors such as whether you live in an apartment or a house, whether you have a yard or not, and how active you are can dictate the kind of dog suitable for you. Remember that the costs don't just stop right when you've purchased a puppy. You must be able to afford vaccinations and other costs that come with raising a dog. It's a lifetime commitment and a financial commitment too.

What should I look for in a puppy?

When you pick out your puppy, prioritize confidence. You want a puppy that is exploring its environment, engaging with its surroundings, and is eager to interact with people. Not every puppy is going to be a fit for everybody. A puppy that's cowering in the corner might be shy and require more socialization and work to build confidence. You also want a puppy that is not sick.

How can I puppy proof my house?

Puppies learn the world through their mouth, so you need to pick up all toys and anything they can chew on. Baby gate off everything, no cords, no nothing, they will chew on anything. You should also have a lot of chew toys and keep them under supervision, because they sometimes swallow things that can lead to blockage in their intestines.

Is it possible to care for a puppy while working full time?

Absolutely, you just have to have help or a job that's going to be flexible enough where you can run home over lunch or have a neighbor help. My husband and I both work full time and we have a dog walker that comes two or three times a day to take our dogs on a walk.

How long can a puppy be left alone?

It depends on how old they are. A good rule of thumb is, however many weeks old they are is how long they can hold it. So for a four-week-old puppy, we don't want to go more than a few hours. But for a 10-week-old puppy, they should be able to hold it overnight. A good rule of thumb is no more than three or four hours until they're at least 10 to 13 weeks of age.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (281) 801-1444, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram