Dog Medication - An Expert Guide To Dog Medications

How are medications used to treat my dog?

It depends on what conditions we're treating. Medications are used to treat certain conditions like pain and inflammation, muscle relaxation for injuries, and antibiotics for infections. Basically, we use them for conditions that are treatable by medications.

Dr. Meghan Denney
4 Paws at Fulshear Veterinary Clinic

What are commonly used medications for my dog, and when would the veterinarian recommend them?

If our pet has been hurt and is limping due to a strain or sprain, we'll use pain medications like gabapentin, anti-inflammatories, or even narcotics like buprenorphine. We can use antifungal medications for yeast infections, ringworm, antibiotics for bacterial infections, and anti-parasiticides for parasites or heartworms. If your dog has been diagnosed with cancer, there are certain chemotherapies that can be used. For metabolic diseases where the body is making too much cortisol, we can prescribe drugs to reduce its production. For dogs with anxiety or behavior problems, there are anti-anxiety, antidepressants, and behavior modification medications.

What are some of the side effects and adverse reactions my dog could experience from these medications?

For anti-inflammatories, the most common side effect is tummy upset. Other pain therapies can cause sedation, drowsiness, or vocalization. Steroids can make your dog drink and pee more, be hungrier, pant, be more irritable and can cause weight gain and elevated liver values when used long-term.

What do I need to know about drug interactions?

Drug interaction refers to how well two or more drugs can work together. We ensure that the drugs we prescribe can function together without causing harm to your pet. For instance, we avoid prescribing oral steroids with an oral anti-inflammatory as they don't interact well.

Can my dog be on medications long-term?

Yes, for conditions like osteoarthritis, allergies, chronic back pain, and inflammatory bowel disease, long-term medication is often necessary.

Why is it important to not give my dog medications without speaking to the veterinarian first?

Administering medications without a veterinarian's direction could potentially harm your pet. You might unknowingly give something that's toxic or has severe side effects.

What tricks can I use to give my dog medication?

Using food is a great way to administer medication, especially if your dog is food motivated. You can use cheese, pill pockets, or even hot dogs to hide the pill. If your dog still refuses, we can help with medication administration.

Where should I get my dog's medications refilled?

You should be going through your veterinarian. Make sure to call when you have about a week's worth of meds left. Please don't wait until the last minute as it's challenging for us to fill the medication immediately due to our patient load.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (281) 801-1444, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Dog Medication - FAQ

Dr. Meghan Denney
4 Paws at Fulshear Veterinary Clinic

Do I always need to seek the guidance of a veterinarian when giving my dog medicine?

Yes, you do. Always call and make sure that what you're giving is appropriate for your dog so we don't make a bigger problem.

Can I give aspirin or NSAIDs to my dog?

Yes, you can give aspirin to your dog. However, aspirin has a very narrow safety margin in dogs and is toxic in cats. The risk of serious side effects is high, so I never recommend aspirin for dogs.

Are there any human medications that are safe for dogs and what are the doses?

Doses are calculated by weight for your dog and should be discussed with a veterinarian. One medication that can be shared is Benadryl. It's a milligram per pound every eight to 12 hours for bee stings or wasp stings. It will not help with snake bites though.

Several medications commonly used in dogs are also applicable for humans. Gabapentin and trazodone are two examples. Most antibiotics used in veterinary medicine for dogs are also suitable for human use and vice versa. However, the dosing differs significantly between the two. In veterinary medicine, dosing for dogs is primarily based on weight. In human medicine, the approach is less weight-focused and more generalized, often determined by age and other factors rather than weight alone.

As a veterinarian, it's important to emphasize that I cannot provide specific dosing instructions over a video. Medication dosing is a critical discussion that should occur in an exam room, tailored to the individual needs of each pet. This ensures that the prescribed dosage is appropriate and safe for your specific pet.

What are the medications that my veterinarian can prescribe if my dog is in pain?

Anti-inflammatories, pain blockers, certain narcotics and some holistic alternatives can be prescribed depending on the injury.

What is the best way for me to give my dog medication?

The best way is always with food, if labeled to be given with food. You can also use a pill wrap, marshmallows, American cheese, peanut butter, cream cheese, a piece of bread or even canned food.

Where can I get medications for my dog?

You can get them from your veterinarian clinic's office. We can also write you a prescription for an outside pharmacy, but once that prescription has left our building, we have no involvement. We also have our own online pharmacy store where we can guarantee that things are stored appropriately. It's always best to go through your veterinarian and it's also good to support local businesses.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (281) 801-1444, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram